- Research Overview
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- Research Groups and Labs
- Sponsored Research
- Current Publications
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Research Overview
Machine learning and Data science deals with data-aware mathematical models, algorithms and computational tools to manage, analyse and process possibly large scale data for various applications. There are several faculty members at DAIICT working in applications of Machine learning to wide-ranging domains like Image Processing and Computer Vision, Speech Processing, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Computional Neuroscience, Multimedia Forensics and Security, Biometrics, and Signal Processing and Communication. Faculty also work on core issues in Machine learning like Dimensionality reduction and Adversarial Machine learning. Aspects of Data Science pursued at DAIICT include Modeling Complex networks, Databases and Computational algorithms and tools for simulations on HPC and GPUs. Computing facility at the institute is available in the form of a HPC cluster, apart from GPU’s funded by projects. The Speech lab and Information Retrieval lab at DAIICT fall under the umbrella of Machine learning and Data Science.
- Prof. Aditya Tatu: Shape Modeling
- Prof. Anil Roy: Assistive Technologies, Sensors and Sensing Applications, AI, ML, NLP
- Prof. Arpit Rana: Applied Machine Learning, Recommendation Systems, Multimodality, and their applications in Digital Innovation and Transformation
- Prof. Bhaskar Chaudhury: Computational Plasma Physics, Data Driven Plasma Engineering, Computational Electromagnetics, High Performance Scientific Computing, Computational Data Science, Applications of AI/ML
- Prof. Manjunath Joshi: Computer Vision, Responsible AI, Quantum Machine Leaning
- Prof. Prasenjit Majumder: Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Cognitive Science
- Prof. Pritam Anand: Forecasing Methods, Quantile Regression, Loss Function, Support Vector Machines
- Prof. Rachit Chhaya: Coresets (Provable Sampling Algorithms for ML), Fairness in ML
- Prof. Shruti Bhilare: Biometrics and adversarial machine learning
- Prof. Sourish Dasgupta: Natural Language Processing (Evaluation of LLMs; Personalization of LLMs; Threat Detection; Reviewer Recommendation); Knowledge Graph Inferencing (Neuro-symbolic KG Embedding & Reasoning)
- Prof. Srimanta Mandal: Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning
- Prof. Tathagata Bandyopadhyay: Statistical Inference, Survey Sampling, Discrete Data Modeling and Analysis, Applications of Statistical Methodologies in Various Fields
Research Groups and Labs
- Smart City Lab
- Intelligent Surveillance Research Lab (ISRL)
- Computational Science and HPC Lab
- High Performance Computing Group
- Knowledge Discovery & Management Lab (KDM Lab)
- Information Retrieval & Language Processing Lab
- Natural Language Processing Group
- Computer Vision & Deep Learning Research Group
- Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group
- Geospatial Lab
More Information Through Figure
Sponsored Research
PI/Co-PI | Project Title | Funding Agency | Duration | Amount |
Prof. Anil Roy / Prof. Bakul Gohel | Development of Proof of Concept of “Optical Camera-based Smart Navigation System for Assisting Total Knee Arthroplasty” | Gujarat Gas Ltd. Through GCSRA | Feb 2023 to ongoing | 52,75,308 INR |
Prof. Bakul Gohel and Prof. Anil Roy | validation of “HoloLens Based Mixed Reality and Tool Tracking System for the Total Knee Arthroplasty Application | Arthro3D LLP, Ahmedabad | May 2023 to ongoing | 4,60,200 INR |
Analysis of the kne3wiz software for bone model generation from CT scan for total knee arthroplasty application | Arthro 3D LLP, Ahmedabad | Sept 2021 to June 2022 (9 months) | 6,00,000 INR | |
Prof. Bhaskar Chaudhury | Computational investigations of instability driven transport in low temperature magnetized plasma discharges using massively parallel 2D-3v PIC-MCC simulations | Govt. sponsored Project (National), National Supercomputing Mission, Gov. of India | 2 years (March 2021 – March 2023) | Rs. 26.95 Lakhs |
Kinetic Modeling of Large size Negative Ion Sources for Fusion Application using Emerging Parallel Processing Computer Architectures | Government sponsored Project (National), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)/ Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) | 4 Years (March 2016- March 2020) | Rs. 23.8 Lakhs | |
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of complex Plasma Dynamics during High Power Millimeter Wave Breakdown | Govt. sponsored Project (National), SCIENCE & ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD (SERB), DST, Gov. of India. | 3 years (March 2019 – March 2022) | rS. 21.6 Lakhs | |
Satellite Network Simulator with ULPC and ACM features | Govt. sponsored Project (National), ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), Department of Space, Gov. of India | 2 years (Jan 2020 – Jan 2022) | Rs. 14.18 Lakhs | |
establishing CUDA teaching center and nVIDIA GPU Research Center (GRC) at DAIICT, Gandhinagar | Industry sponsored project, nVIDIA Corporation, USA | 2014 -2016 | Research Hardware Support (nVIDIA GPUs) . Rs. 5.00 Lakhs | |
NSF/TCPP CDER Center Early Adopter proposal – theNSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing - Fall 2014. High Performance Computing for Computational Science at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India |
International Sponsored Project, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA | 2014 -2019 | USD 2500 | |
(Co-PI), Title: Development of geomagnetism based indoor navigation system using smartphones | Gov. Sponsored Project, DST NRDMS, Gov. of India | 2 years (Nov 2020 – Nov 2022) | Rs. 27 Lakhs | |
(Co-PI), Title: Prototyping Dog Jacket for Real Time Rescue Operation inspired by Robotics Technology | Gov. Sponsored Project, GUJCOST, Gov. of Gujarat | 3 years (April 2022 – ) | Rs. 19.83 Lakhs | |
Prof. Manish Khare | Development of an integrated surveillance system for suspicious behaviour analysis | Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India | 01-12-2021, Duration: 3 Years | 56.98 Lakh INR |
Design and Implementation of a visibility Improvement model for Haze removal in images acquired from real-time CCTV camera | Gujarat Council on Science and Technology | 01.04.2021, Duration: 2 Years | 19.25 Lakh INR | |
Prof. Manjunath Joshi [Prof. Hemant Patil (PI)] | Text to Speech for Gujarathi language | DIT, India | 2012–2014 | Rs. 76.9 lakhs |
Prof. Manjunath Joshi (PI), Prof. Mukesh Zaveri and Prof. Hemant Patil | Immersive Navigation for Walk Through Application | Indian Digital Heritage (IDH) project sponsored by DST, India | 2011–2016 | Rs 37.6 lakhs |
Prof. Manjunath Joshi | Consulatncy work on "OCR Enhancement" sponsored by FactSet UK Limited (“FactSet”) | Broadgate Quarter, One Snowden Street, London, EC2A 2DQ | 2018–2019 | Rs. 8.76 lakhs |
Prof. Priyanka Singh (PI) and Prof. Manjunath Joshi | A Forensic Tool for Land Revenue Documents Forgery Detection | GUJCOST (Gujarat Govt.), India | 2021–2022 | Rs 6.00 lakhs |
Prof. Sourish Dasgupta | An empirical analysis on Deriving Test Cases from Natural Language text using MBT approach | RESPOND Programme Scheme from Space Application Center - Indian Space Research Organisation (SAC-ISRO), Government of India | 01, May 2022 (period: 3 years) | Rs. 20.78 Lakhs |
Prof. Srimanta Mandal | SAR Polarimetric Image classification using Wishart Mixture model and convolution Neural Networks | ISRO | 3 Years | 25.33 Lakhs INR |
Dr Tapas Maiti, Dr Sujay Kadam, Dr Rahul Mishra | Development of IoT and AI/ML Systems in Reliance Sasan Power Plant and Coal Mines | Reliance SPL and DA-IICT | June 2023-Ongoing | - |
Current Publications
Prof. Aditya Tatu
- Sumukh Bansal and Aditya Tatu, Affine Interpolation in a Lie Group Framework, ACM Transactions on Graphics(Proc. 46 th SIGGRAPH), vol. 38(4), pp. 71:1 - 71:16, July 2019.
- Manish Narwaria and Aditya Tatu, Interval-Based Least Squares for Uncertainty-Aware Learning in Human-Centric Multimedia Systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 32(11), pp.5241-5246, Nov. 2021.
- Nileshkumar Vaishnav and Aditya Tatu, Signal Processing on Graphs: Structure Preserving Maps, IET Signal Processing, vol. 13(1), pp. 77 - 85, February 2019.
Prof. Anil Roy
Prof. Arpit Rana
Prof. Bhaskar Chaudhury
- Miral Shah, Bhaskar Chaudhury, Mainak Bandyopadhyay, and Arun Chakraborty; ‘Observation of double layer formation in low-temperature E × B plasma based negative ion sources’; Physics of Plasmas 30, 010701 (2023).
- Pratik Ghosh and Bhaskar Chaudhury; ‘Efficient Dynamic Mesh Refinement Technique for Simulation of HPM Breakdown-Induced Plasma Pattern Formation’; IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol: 51, Issue: 1, (2023).
- Pratik Ghosh, Bhaskar Chaudhury, Shishir Purohit, Vishv Joshi, Ashray Kothari, Devdeep Shetranjiwala; ''Deep Learning assisted microwave-plasma interaction based technique for plasma density estimation"; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol 57, no. 1, (2023).
Prof. Manjunath Joshi
- M. V. Joshi and K. Upla, Multi-resolution Image Fusion in Remote Sensing. Cambridge University Press, UK, January 2019).
- J. Patel, M. V. Joshi, and J. Bhatt, “A Novel Approach for Hyper Spectral Image Super resolution using Spectral Unmixing and Transfer Learning,” in Proceedings of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2020), IEEE, Virtual, 2020.
- J. Shah and M. V. Joshi, “Classification of Imbalanced Bioassay Data With Features Learned Using Stacked Autoencoder,” in 15th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2022), Rome, Italy: SPIE, 2022.
Prof. Prasenjit Majumder
Prof. Pritam Anand
- Anand, Pritam, Amisha Bharti, and Reshma Rastogi. "Time efficient variants of Twin Extreme Learning Machine." Intelligent Systems with Applications 17 (2023): 200169.
- Anand, Pritam, Shantanu Jain, and Harsh Savaliya. "New improved wave hybrid models for hourly significant wave height forecasting." IEEE Access (2023).
- Anand, Pritam. "A pinball loss support vector machine based regression model." 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON). IEEE, 2021.
- Anand, Pritam, Rastogi, Reshma. and Chandra, Suresh. (2022). A ν-Support Vector Quantile Regression Model with Automatic Accuracy Control. Research Reports on Computer Science, 1(2), 113–135. https://doi.org/10.37256/rrcs.1220221662
Prof. Rachit Chhaya
- "On Coresets For Regularized Regression", ICML 2020
- "Streaming Coresets for Symmetric Tensor Factorization", ICML 2020
- On Coresets for Fair Regression and Individually Fair Clustering. AISTATS 2022 4) Online Coresets for Parametric and Non-Parametric Bregman Clustering, TMLR 2022
Prof. Shruti Bhilare
- S. Sharma, R. Joshi and S. Bhilare, "Robust Adversarial Defence: Use of Auto-inpainting." In Proc. International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Cyprus, 2023.
- U. Patel, S. Bhilare and A. Hati, "Enhancing Transferability of Adversarial Audio in Speaker Recognition Systems", In Proc. Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Spain, 2023.
- M. Shah, S. Mandal, S. Bhilare, A. Hati, “Increasing Transferability by Imposing Linearity and Perturbation in Intermediate Layer with Diverse Input Patterns”, In Proc. International conference on Signal processing and Communications, Bangalore, July 2022.
- S. Gajjar , A. Hati , S. Bhilare, S. Mandal, “Generating Targeted Adversarial Attacks and Assessing their Effectiveness in Fooling Deep Neural Networks”, In Proc. International conference on Signal processing and Communications, Bangalore, July 2022.
Prof. Sourish Dasgupta
- Rahul Vansh, Darsh Rank, Sourish Dasgupta, Tanmoy Chakraborty; Accuracy is not enough: Evaluating personalization in summarizers; Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP; Findings), 2023
- Priyanshi Gupta, Yash Atri, Apurva Nagvenkar, Sourish Dasgupta, Tanmoy Chakraborty; Inline Citation Classification using Peripheral Context and Time-evolving Augmentation; The 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), 2023
- Nishith Kotak, Anil K Roy, Sourish Dasgupta, Tirthankar Ghosal; A consistency analysis of different NLP approaches for reviewer-manuscript matchmaking; 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL, 2021
Prof. Srimanta Mandal
- N. Chaudhari, S. K. Mitra, S. Mandal, S. Chirakkal, D. Putrevu, and A. Misra, “Edge-Preserving classification of polarimetric SAR images using Wishart distribution and conditional random field,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 43, no.6, pp.2134-2155, 2022.
- S. Mandal, and A. N. Rajagopalan, “Local Proximity for Enhanced Visibility in Haze,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 2478-2491, 2020.
- K. Purohit, S. Mandal, and A. N. Rajagopalan, “Mixed-dense connection networks for image and video super-resolution,” Neurocomputing, vol. 398, pp. 360-376, 2020.
Prof. Tathagata Bandyopadhyay
- Arindam Chatterjee, Tathagata Bandyopadhyay, Ayoushman Bhattacharya (2023): Inference on regression model with misclassified binary response. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (Elsevier), Pages 1-20.
- Bhargab Chattopadhyay, Tathagata Bandyopadhyay, Ken Kelley, and P. Jishnu (2023): A Sequential Approach for Noninferiority or Equivalence of a Linear Contrast Under Cost Constraints. Psychological Methods (A Journal of the American Psychological Association), Pages 1-14.
- Gaurav Kumar Singh and Tathagata Bandyopadhyay (2023): Determinants of disagreement: Learning from inflation expectations survey of households. Journal of Forecasting (John Wiley), Pages 1-18.