DA-IICT Student Research Excellence Award
To recognize and celebrate the achievement of the student-led original research that has resulted in publication at a reputed journal or a leading conference.
Award comprises a certificate and plaque/medal. The award is presented by the Director annually (the day before the convocation ceremony each year) to the students who have published in top quality journals/conferences.
Eligibility Criteria:
All currently-enrolled DA-IICT students (UG and PG) and the graduated students who received their degrees in the previous academic year1 are eligible; specifically,
- The UG students (the BTech ICT, BTech ICT with CS, the BTech in Math and Computing (MnC) or BTech EVD programs) up to one year after the completion of the program (e.g. for the annual award in January of 2025, the students of 2019-2023 batch, 2020-2024 batch, 2021-2025 batch, 2022-2026 batch, 2023-2027 batch and 2024-2028 batch are eligible).
- The PG students (any of the Master's Degree (MTech, MSc, MDes) or the PhD degree) up to one year after the completion of the program or award of the degree in case of PhD students. (e.g. for the annual award in January of 2025, the Masters students of 2021-2023 batch, 2022-2024 batch, 2023-2025 batch and 2024-2026 batch are eligible).
- The student will receive an award for each Q1 journal article (Q1 category journal, i.e., top 25 percentile category) and each conference (A*, A or B category) article that he or she has published provided the primary affiliation of the student in the published article is DA-IICT.
1 This provision allows the students to apply for this award even if their paper submission is still not accepted for publication at the time of their graduation, provided it is published within one year after their graduation..
Selection Criteria and Process (for the convocation to be held in January 2025):
- The students will provide the information about all their eligible research publications with a publication date (as per DOI) between January 2024 to December 2024 in a Google Form circulated by Dean Research. The form must be submitted by the deadline mentioned in the email from Dean Research’s office.
- The data collected in the Google Form is provided to the Resource Center for verification, specifically regarding the eligibility criteria (i) the student is an author with DA-IICT affiliation, (ii) the publication venue belongs to the Q1 category of journals, and the A*, A or B categories for conferences, and (iii) the date is in the year 2024.
- For the award eligibility, a journal paper has to be published at a journal with Scimago Journal ranking of Q1, and a conference paper has to be published at conferences with core.edu or Aminer rank of A*, A or B.
- All the students who meet the aforementioned Eligibility Criteria will be selected for the DA-IICT Student Research Excellence Award.
- The applicants will be informed about the date and venue of the award ceremony via email at least two weeks before the day of presentations (by the office of Dean-Research).
- The list of selected candidates will be shared with the Registrar's office and award ceremony arrangements will be planned accordingly. In case a student can not attend the ceremony due to any unforeseen circumstances, he/she can contact the Registrar office and collect the award at a later date.
- Name of the recipients of the DA-IICT Student Research Excellence Award along with other information such as publication details and academic program will be displayed under the 'List of Awardees' tab.
To be announced soon
UG Programs
Student Name | Student ID | Faculty Name | Publ. Date | Paper Title | Publication Venue | Authors | DoI |
Monil Charola | 201901119 | Hemant Patil | 20-08-2023 | Charola, M., Kachhi, A., Patil, H.A. (2023) Whisper Encoder features for Infant Cry Classification. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023, 1773-1777 | INTERSPEECH | Monil Charola, Aastha Kachhi, Hemant A. Patil | 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1916 |
Nemin Shah | 201901280 | Yash Vasavada | 16-09-2021 | Nemin Shah and Yash Vasavada, "Neural layered decoding of 5G LDPC codes", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 3590-3593, Nov. 2021. | IEEE Communications Letters | Nemin Shah, Yash Vasavada | 10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3113610 |
Siddharth Rathod | 201901162 | Hemant Patil | 20-08-2023 | Rathod, Siddharth, Monil Charola, Akshat Vora, Yash Jogi, and Hemant A. Patil. "Whisper Features for Dysarthric Severity-Level Classification." Small 12, no. 768: 12. | INTERSPEECH 2023 | Siddharth Rathod, Monil Charola, Akshat Vora, Yash Jogi, Hemant A. Patil | 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1891 |
Mihir Shirish Desai | 201801033 | Bhaskar Chaudhury | 09-11-2022 | M. Desai, P. Ghosh, A. Kumar and B. Chaudhury, "Deep-Learning Architecture-Based Approach for 2-D-Simulation of Microwave Plasma Interaction," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 5359-5368, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.2022.3217138. | IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques | Mihir Desai, Pratik Ghosh, Ahlad Kumar, Bhaskar Chaudhury | https://doi.org/10.1109/TMTT.2022.3217138 |
M.Tech. Program
Student Name | Student ID | Faculty Name | Publ. Date | Paper Title | Publication Venue | Authors | DoI |
Balwani Shivani Laxmanbhai | 202111022 | Saurabh Tiwari | 28-09-2023 | S. Balwani, S. Tiwari, S. Dasgupta and A. Sharma, "AutoReco: A Tool for Recommending Requirements for their Non-Conformance with Requirement Templates (RTs)," 2023 IEEE 31st International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Hannover, Germany, 2023, pp. 365-366, doi: 10.1109/RE57278.2023.00054. | 2023 IEEE 31st International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) | Shivani Balwani, Saurabh Tiwari, Sourish Dasgupta, Akhilesh Sharma | 10.1109/RE57278.2023.00054 |
Prahar Pandya | 202011001 | Saurabh Tiwari | 09-11-2022 | Pandya, Prahar & Tiwari, Saurabh. (2022). CORMS: a GitHub and Gerrit based hybrid code reviewer recommendation approach for modern code review. 546-557. 10.1145/3540250.3549115 | ESEC/FSE 2022 (ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering) | Prahar Pandya, Saurabh Tiwari | 10.1145/3540250.3549115 |
Rahul Vansh | 202111035 | Sourish Dasgupta | 10-12-2023 | Rahul Vansh, Darsh Rank, Sourish Dasgupta, and Tanmoy Chakraborty. 2023. Accuracy is not enough: Evaluating Personalization in Summarizers. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, pages 2582–2595, Singapore. Association for Computational Linguistics. | EMNLP ( Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing) | Rahul Vansh, Darsh Rank, Sourish Dasgupta, Tanmoy Chakraborty | 10.18653/v1/2023.findings-emnlp.169 |
Ph.D. Program
Student Name | Student ID | Faculty Name | Publ. Date | Paper Title | Publication Venue | Authors | DoI |
Urvi Oza | 201921009 | Pankaj Kumar | 05-04-2021 | Oza, Urvi, Sarangi Patel, and Pankaj Kumar. "Noveme-color space net for image classification." Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 13th Asian Conference, ACIIDS 2021, Phuket, Thailand, April 7–10, 2021, Proceedings 13. Springer International Publishing, 2021. | ACIIDS 2021 | Urvi Oza, Sarangi Patel and Pankaj Kumar | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73280-6_42 |
Miral Shah | 201621007 | Bhaskar Chaudhury | 07-12-2022 | Miral Shah, Bhaskar Chaudhury, Mainak Bandyopadhyay, and Arun Chakraborty, “Observation of double layer formation in low-temperature E × B plasma based negative ion sources,” Phys. Plasmas, vol. 30, no. 010701, p. 1, 2023, doi: 10.1063/5.0126614. | Physics of Plasmas | Miral Shah, Bhaskar Chaudhury, Mainak Bandyopadhyay, and Arun Chakraborty | 10.1063/5.0126614 |
Kamlesh S Patle | 202121017 | Vinay Palaparthy | 01-09-2022 | Patle, Kamlesh S., Biswajit Dehingia, Hemen Kalita, and Vinay S. Palaparthy. "Highly sensitive graphene oxide leaf wetness sensor for disease supervision on medicinal plants." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 200 (2022): 107225. | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | Kamlesh S Patle, Biswajit Dehingia, Hemen Kalita, Vinay S Palaparthy | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2022.107225 |
Pratik Ghosh | 201721010 | Bhaskar Chaudhury | 09-10-2023 | Pratik Ghosh, Bhaskar Chaudhury, Shishir Purohit, Vishv Joshi, Ashray Kothari, Devdeep Shetranjiwala, "Deep Learning assisted microwave-plasma interaction based technique for plasma density estimation", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57, no. 1 (2023) | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | Pratik Ghosh, Bhaskar Chaudhury, Shishir Purohit, Vishv Joshi, Ashray Kothari, Devdeep Shetranjiwala | 10.1088/1361-6463/acfdb6 |
Surupendu Gangopadhyay | 201921002 | Prasenjit Majumder | 20-08-2022 | Gangopadhyay, Surupendu, and Prasenjit Majumder. "Text representation for direction prediction of share market." Expert Systems with Applications 211 (2023): 118472. | Expert Systems with Applications | Surupendu Gangopadhyay, Prasenjit Majumder | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118472 |
Twinkle Bhavsar | 201921001 | Abhishek Jindal | 06-12-2022 | T. Bhavsar and A. Jindal, "On Reducing the Outage Probability in VFD-NOMA With Limited CSI at Source," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 507-511, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3227129. | IEEE Communications Letters | Twinkle Bhavsar, Dr. Abhishek Jindal | 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3227129 |